Still here…


I keep seeing on social media that “some Christians” thought the world was going to end on Saturday.  The funny thing is, I never saw any actual Christians posting this.  But that’s neither here nor there.

What’s been on my mind is that if someone honestly believes that the world is about to end, they should be telling people.  True belief leads to action.

So the real question is:  Am I acting on what I say I believe?  And are you?

If belief leads to action…is the opposite true?  If we say we believe but aren’t acting on it, what does that mean?

Saving the Earth


If Leo and Al really believe that our actions are destroying the earth, I think they’d be living very differently.  I mean, if I honestly believed that my carbon footprint would leave earth unlivable for my children…I’d drastically change my lifestyle.

And I don’t mean drastic as in, bringing my own grocery bags to the market.  I’m talking goodbye plane trips.  Driving…it was nice while it lasted.  Plastic, a thing of the past.

You know what I definitely wouldn’t do?  Fly around in my private jet telling the average Joe to save the earth while I live the high life.

Spread the Wealth

If the loudmouth Hollywood-ers and college professors really believed in the socialism, income equality garbage that they tout, I think we’d be seeing something different from them, too.  Most of these folks could still live a pretty comfortable life on a fraction of what they have.

Why aren’t they giving it all away to even the score?

Instead, they shout the battle cry, yet never enlist in the fight themselves.  Have they not looked at their own bank accounts recently?



And those folks who just in general hate America, from entertainers (NFL players, I’m talking to you) to rioters — how about doing something productive.

Are we really to believe that with the ridiculous salaries that a football player makes, the very best and most effective way they can find to enact change is to interrupt an entertainment venue?

Blocking traffic while holding vulgar signs might make someone feel that they are standing up for something they believe in, but is it really doing anything?

How about supporting charities and organizations that act on what you say you believe in?  Or taking actual steps to legislate what you feel so passionately about?  Or reading the Constitution?  Get off your hashtag, take off your ski mask and act like an adult.


Pot, Meet Kettle.

Before you think I’m only targeting those I disagree with, let’s take a look in the mirror.  Are you a Christian?  I am.  And I have to ask myself…do my actions every day make it clear that I believe the Bible?

It’s easy to point the finger at others.  (Especially when they so clearly deserve it.)

But the hypocrisy begins when I stop there, never targeting myself and my beliefs.

Jesus is coming back.

It may not have been on Saturday, but he is coming.  So instead of just lecturing the save the earthers, spread the wealthers and hate everythingers…we need to be telling them that the Bible has answers to their issues.

  • God made the earth, and he gave it to us to take care of.  We may not be the ones to destroy it (He’s promised to do that Himself), but we should be taking our task more seriously than we often do.
  • And the Bible doesn’t tell us that everyone’s income should be equal, but it does command us as believers to be helpers and givers, to love actively …and to serve sacrificially.
  • God created one race, the human race.  Let’s act like it.  And while our human governments are far from perfect, it is His command that we submit to them.

A Kingdom is coming in which the Almighty God will restore the earth and meet all needs.  People from every tribe and nation living in peace together under a perfect government.

The sad thing is, we’re running around trying to solve all of these problems and leaving the Creator out of the equation.

So to anyone who thought the world was coming to an end on Saturday and told everyone they know…thank you.

Thanks for caring enough to embarrass yourself to try to save some folks.  Thanks for reminding me that I need to be willing to do that.

I do encourage you to pick up a Bible and read it thoroughly, though.


What’s one way you can put your beliefs into action?

© Susan Landry, 2017--Used by permission.  Originally published: here

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