Joy, Real Joy

A gospel song declares, "Joy real joy God's wonderful joy Is flooding the depths of my soul A joy that brings peace and contentment God's wonderful wonderful joy." 

Not everyone can say they know the truth of these words. Even though joy is fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5.22-23), it sometimes seems in short supply. 

"Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength."Nehemiah 8.10

The people of God had heard the Law of God read by Ezra, and were grieved at their neglect and disobedience of it. But, Nehemiah reminded them that they were to gather in the presence of the LORD in joy rather than sorrow. Their focus was not to be on their past failure, but upon the present joy of the LORD that is their strength. 

I've known sorrow in recent times as I've experienced the death of my father. It wouldn't be normal not to experience grief, but it is momentary grief. The great reality is that the LORD'S joy is my strength. His presence and comfort are real, and His promises a source of great joy. 

"Weeping may last for the night, But a shout of joy comes in the morning." Psalm 30.5 

During the darkness of this present fallen world, there are plenty of sources of grief. It is all too easy to focus on these joy-robbing present circumstances. But, the joy of the coming morning of resurrection and kingdom life filters down to us today. The LORD who will faithfully bring about the richness of that coming age is the LORD who gives joy and strength today!

Indeed, "the joy of the LORD is your strength." May you find this to be fully so in your experience with Him today, and always.

©Steve Taylor, 2018 --Used by permission

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