
In 1 Thessalonians 1, we see Paul praising the church of Thessalonica due to their receptiveness of the gospel message and their life changes that came from following the Word of God. Instead of living in sin, they turned their lives around to honor God and their example was seen by other believers. Those in Thessalonica were not the only ones who had a pivotal life change due to their faith. Take the author of this letter, Paul, as an example. He had been a devout Jew who persecuted the Christians and attempted to put a stop to the spread of the gospel message. After being confronted by Christ on the road to Damascus, Paul had a pivotal life change that would impact people for generations. To this day, Paul and his inspired writings shape the lives of people around the world. 

This pivotal life change that the people in Thessalonica experienced and that Paul had experienced due to their faith in God and His son Jesus, wasn’t uncommon. God has been working in the lives of His people since the beginning of the world. In the reading of 2 Chronicles today, we see a life change God grants to King Solomon. Even the King of another nation recognized the gifts and talents God himself had given Solomon. The gifts of wisdom and knowledge shaped King Solomon’s reign and allowed the kingdom of Israel to prosper. What an impressive life change for King Solomon. 

God continues to grant gifts to His believers and change the lives of those who follow Him. Galatians 5:22-25 says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” When we repent from our sins and commit our lives to Christ, there is a pivotal life change that happens. We are granted the holy spirit as a gift that produces good fruit and spiritual gifts in order to be imitators of Christ. It is a slow work in progress to hone your skills and to produce the positive fruit of the spirit, but it will be worth it! Each person has been called to be an imitator of Christ and to dedicate their life to God. The way we spend our time, the things we say, and how we treat other people will serve as an example of our faith. Those in Thessalonica lived as imitators of Christ producing good fruit that was seen by those around them. King Solomon was recognized by the gifts God had granted him because of his faith. How are you impacting those around you? Can you be seen as one imitating Christ, standing in your faith, and working with your spiritual gifts granted by God? Reflect on these things as you go about your day today. 

© Makenna Landry, 2024