Thinking About Our Diet

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about my diet. Probably because I just had a baby and will eventually need to shed a few pounds. I’m not very good at committing to any particular diet mostly because they tend to be so extreme. If any diet removes an entire food group from my life I can’t do it- it’s too dramatic of a shift for me. Who can keep that up for the long term? Maybe cutting carbs out completely would be good for my waistline, but my mental health needs a nice loaf of warm bread fresh out of the oven every once in a while. Maybe I could do it for a few weeks, but certainly not for my whole life. I need something more sustainable than that. I’m more inclined to make simple lifestyle changes that I can commit to doing on the long term- but that’s just me and I think it’s neat that there are different methods to healthy living for different people.

So then the other day I was scrolling through Instagram and this graphic (below) that looks a bit like the food pyramid caught my eye and got me thinking. The caption under the photo read, "The Wisdom Pyramid. In a post-truth, fake owns world, we don’t know what to trust. The overwhelming glut, reckless speed, and personalized orientation of information in the digital age is making us sick. We need, for our mental and spiritual health what the Food Pyramid is for our physical health: guidance for what to consume and not to consume, and in what proportions, so that we can become healthy and wise.” The image comes from a book titled The Wisdom Pyramid, which I have not read.

I must admit that I’ve given a lot more thought to my physical health diet than I have to my spiritual health diet. And while it seems so absurd for me to cut an entire food group out of my diet for any amount of time- there have been plenty of times where I’ve cut out one of the items below for an extended period of time without a second thought. And of course, I must admit that my “internet/social media” section definitely takes up a lot more real estate in my pyramid- something I am actively working on. I do try to read my Bible every day, but I still don’t think I’m consuming enough of that compared to the amount I consume other things to make it take the largest part of my pyramid. And that church section- it’s been a tough year for that group! I do find it harder to stay connected when we can’t see everyone, and when we can’t do activities together, can’t do Sunday school together, etc.

So, how is your spiritual health in relation to the pyramid below?

© Hope Fletcher, 2021