Fighting for Hope

Fighting for hope. It's like treading water. We haven't lost hope, but depression and discouragement challenge our grasp of it. We've in a dark valley, and hope seems almost impossibly high on a mountain above.

We often see raw, transparent emotion in the Psalms; ranging from the heights of boundless joy to the deep pit of despair. For example,

"My tears have been my food day and night ... O my God, my soul is in despair within me ... I will say to God my rock, 'Why have You forgotten me?'" (Psalm 42.3,6,9)

That's a no-holds-barred description of despair and depression. And yet from the dark prison, the Psalmist looks up and says, "Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him" (Psalm 42.5,11) Out of despair, he fights for hope. He isn't there yet, but he is confident that one day he will be there again.

Like the Psalmist, today may not be the best of days. We may be in a season of tears. Dark clouds may have settled over us, and we're not sure when or if they will ever part. We remember joyous times past, but we're fighting for hope today. We anticipate that we will "again praise Him," but that day is not this day.

The old saying goes that when you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. A day of heartfelt praise is in your future, and that hope and reminder is just the thing to hang on to until then. God may seem silent and absent (verses 3,9,10), but He waits with you in the dark season of life. His presence and concern will become evident at just the right time.

Hold on. Fight for hope. Remember yesterday's heights of joy, and know there are future heights. Trite as it may sound, this too shall pass. Today's darkness will give way to tomorrow's brightness. Ultimately it will give way to the brightness of His coming kingdom. And that will truly be worth it all.

©Steve Taylor, 2018 --Used by permission

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