The Kingdom

The Kingdom

Visiting the church for the first time, a couple heard a guest speaker that day teach about the kingdom of God. Not being especially convinced of the priority of the kingdom of God message myself, I visited them in their home the next week. Much to my surprise, they were fascinated and intrigued by the message, and had a multitude of questions concerning it. They had discovered the valuable treasure of the kingdom of God, and were instrumental in my discovery of it as well.


Sexual Indiscretion

Sexual Indiscretion

It seems like an almost daily occurrence to learn of the sexual indiscretion of some well-known male celebrity. The #MeToo movement has facilitated the unleashing of a flood of accusations. A prominent ancient king named David would undoubtedly be singled out by one Bathsheba for such an accusation. Rather than resigning in disgrace, David did that which few men seem to be doing today: confessing and repenting.



He was a good friend, and his death hit me hard. As a young pastor, he had often prayed with me, and modeled a passion for prayer and compassion for the lost. Shortly after we moved, we learned of his death. Few things have been as difficult as mourning his loss.



In what was a legacy of "the Red Scare" of the fifties and sixties, I remember, as a child, seeing brightly-colored signs on certain public buildings with the text, "Fallout Shelter," emblazoned on them. In the event of a nuclear blast, this was a place of refuge.




I'll let you in on a little secret: I'm not a big fan of adversity. I much prefer life when things are going well and relatively trouble-free. But, as you full well know, life doesn't always go that way.

"Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?" (Job 2.10)


What To Share

What To Share

A roadblock to sharing the gospel with others is not knowing exactly what to share. Thus, Bible passages that give us a gospel summary are especially helpful and important. One such passage is Acts 10.34-43. Here we find the truth that the gospel is available to all people
