God Showing His Love

In recent years I’ve been paying closer attention to ways that God shows up to let me know I’m loved and under His constant care.

Background. Several years ago I did my Master’s Degree capstone project on Gratitude. When I gave my presentation I used a painting that was very meaningful to me and said:” I wake up each day with a smile, I have so much to be thankful for.” For years that small painting was next to my bed and was the first thing I saw when I woke up each morning.

A few years ago someone I love very much was going through a challenging time I felt moved to give them my painting. I snapped a photograph of it in hopes that I could find another on Amazon or somewhere online. Sadly, I was never able to find it again, but still glad that I was able to bless someone else with it as I had been blessed.

One day I was working as a chaplain in the nursing home and the activities director was leading a session for the residents on painting. I had the thought “I wonder if they could paint a copy of my painting from the photograph?” So I shared the photograph and asked. The activities director Megan said, “Sure, we can do that.” I was so pleased.

Well, things happened. The nursing home was sold to another company that didn’t utilize chaplains, so I was no longer serving there. Years passed and I’d long forgotten about my request for the painting.

During the last few days, I had an MRI in preparation for an upcoming major surgery to remove a cancerous mass and lymph nodes. I came into my chaplaincy office later that morning and found a bag on my desk with my name on it. I opened the bag to find a painting, the painting I had requested some 4 years ago. It had a note from Megan apologizing. The painting had been done years ago but had been tucked away in a cabinet and forgotten. She was doing some reorganizing and found the painting and brought it to the hospital. She apologized for it taking so many years to get to me. I was so overwhelmed I called her and told her that I was getting ready to have major surgery in a few days and that the timing was PERFECT.

God continues to remind me that he is with me and to trust that I always have something to be thankful for each day. God’s timing is as always, perfect.

©Jeff Fletcher