Eye Witness Accounts - Mary

Eye Witness Accounts - Mary

Oh, my son, my son!  I cannot bear to look upon your suffering and pain!  Your lips are so dry and parched in the heat!  The same lips that sweetly whispered “Mama” as a child years ago.  The lips that as a 12-year-old spoke to the learned men at the temple—teaching, even then, and doing his Holy Father’s will.  As amazed as Joseph and I were, did I realize it would end such as this?


Eye Witness Accounts - Pilate

Eye Witness Accounts - Pilate

I have nothing to worry about—no nothing at all.  It’s settled, it’s decided, and I’m free of the matter.  It was a small matter, actually—but dealing with these Jews and their petty concerns and holy rituals can be so exasperating, so time-consuming!  Time!  Three times I told them Jesus would be released!  But the crowd was so insistent, so demanding, I had no choice but to agree to his crucifixion.  But it’s over now, the matter is settled.  It’s of no concern to me.  I must attend to other things.  My wife will be expecting me.  


Eye Witness Accounts - Judas

Eye Witness Accounts - Judas

What have I done?  Oh, my Lord, my Lord!   What have I done?  Jesus, my Lord, my Master, will die, and I am his murderer!  How brightly those pieces of sliver once shone, as I counted them over and over.  Thirty pieces of silver!  How much I anticipated what it could buy!  And respect!  Yes, I finally had respect and importance!  The chief priests and elders needed me!  I was their confidante; they depended on me.




What is it that you are called to do? In what ways is the hand of God upon you for a specific work?

"While they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.'" Acts 13.2

Imagine having your name inserted there …

Divine Intervention

Divine Intervention

The power of unbelieving prayer. It sounds like an oxymoron, but it is something we see in Acts 12.

The backdrop to the story is severe persecution. "Now about that time Herod the king laid hands on some who belonged to the church in order to mistreat them. And he had James the brother of John put to death with a sword. When he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to arrest Peter also." Acts 12.1-3.

Singing Stars

Singing Stars

Music is woven into the very design of our universe. 

Job 38:4,7 says: 

"Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?  When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" 

The stars were singing, according to God, when He "laid the foundations of the earth"  (Job 38:4)  They continue to sing today, according to NASA.


Who Likes Pi?

Who Likes Pi?

Who likes Pie?

Of course in this case I am talking about the Math version.

Pi is always the Circumference divided by the diameter.  The older way to say it is Pi is the Circumference divided by the Radius squared.  Pi is interesting since it is an irrational number, so it never repeats.  

Back in 8th grade when I was learning in Math class the teacher said something about Pi that shocked me so much I almost fell off my chair. 
