"Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth" (Joshua 24.14)
A parting admonition by Joshua to the people of Israel was wholehearted devotion to Creator and Father, Yahweh. Show the utmost respect for Him. Let your devotional and service to Him be marked by both sincerity and truth. Religious pretense and ritual would not be sufficient, nor would lack of knowledge. To love and serve Him would require genuine and truthful pursuit.
This admonition extends down through the ages to each of us today. Is it our passion to sincerely and truthfully know our heavenly Father? Not just know ABOUT Him, but personally know Him? And this can only be done through His Son: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." (John 14.6)
I've personally been taking a look back at some events in my life and, upon more careful reflection, realize my Father guided and protected more than I previously thought. My love and appreciation grows as I more clearly see His direct and compassionate involvement in my life.
To honor and serve Him in sincerity and truth involved both singleness of heart and mind, as well as passionately pursuing the truth about Him as revealed in His word. What can I learn about His character and nature? How can that help me develop a closer, more intimate relationship with Him?
May Joshua's heartfelt plea and appeal to the people of Israel stir each of us today to pursue the One who so relentlessly pursues us.
©Steve Taylor, 2016 --Used by permission
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