I Ate Them

"Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been called by Your name, O Yahweh God of hosts" Jeremiah 15:16.

This verse seems especially appropriate to consider this Thanksgiving weekend. Most of us have indulged, and probably overindulged, in a sumptuous feast. We likely found great pleasure in all that we consumed.

Good nutrition is an important key to good physical health, as is good spiritual nutrition to spiritual health. Jeremiah testified that ingesting God’s word was a source of joy and delight. Such ought God’s word be to us. 

We crave what we eat. That's the danger of an unhealthy diet, and the blessing of a healthy one. There is a spiritual parallel: feasting on the richness of God's word creates a craving for it, as Jeremiah testified, "Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart."

A spiritual appetite for God’s word is something that must be cultivated. Regular time spent in His word creates a craving. Granted, we don’t always have great “Aha!” moments every time we turn to His word, but the habit of Bible reading and study becomes that joy and delight.

Newborn babies require a different diet than mature adults. No responsible parent force-feeds a steak to a toothless infant a few weeks old. There are levels of nutritional needs for the various stages of human development, as there are for spiritual development. 

Better to read a chapter from the Bible a day and receive basic nutrition than to become discouraged and quit reading altogether while attempting to read ten chapters a day. An appetite for milk will eventually lead to an appetite for steak.

God's word can only become "a joy and the delight of my heart" when we spend time in it and develop an appetite for it. By disciplining ourselves to regularly read and feed on the word we find that God's word becomes its own reward. 

An appetite for God's word gives us the ability to "extract the precious from the worthless" (Jeremiah 15:19), which is a much-needed quality in life. Getting in to His word allows it to get in to us and direct us toward that which is truly precious and priceless from the perspective of God's kingdom.

May you enjoy a rich feast in God's word today.

©Steve Taylor, 2023 --Used by permission

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